Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I know a great place to get prescription glasses!  They have a big selection, so it is easy to find a style that you like.  Their prices are so good that you wonder if they are too good to be true.  And on top of that they send out e-mails frequently with a 72 hour coupon link or sale code (try "BigSale").  This electric blue pair, I got not too long ago, when all was said and done for about $15.  That includes everything- even shipping.  The site is called  Check it out. 

And just for laughs- here are some pictures of me sporting different pairs of glasses that I have gotten from their site over the last few years.  I had to dig deep through my pictures to find them.  I don't usually let my personal photographer take pictures of me when I don't have my make up and contacts on.  And sometimes he just pretends not to hear me. Here I am in:

blue metal


 and brown.

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You'll need to scan and e-mail, or fax them a prescription from your eye doctor for glasses (which expires every 2 years), and ask them to give you your pupilary distance, or P.D. It is just a measurement that the website needs. Just have them write it on the back of your prescription when they give it to you at the office, or just call your dr. office and ask them to give it to you over the phone.

I also found it helpful, when I ordered my first pair, to measure the height of my frames, so that I could have a reference when I was shopping, for relative size.  I usually search for frames that are less than $10.

Friday, September 9, 2011


In Italy the food is fantastic,

the Photographers are handsome,

and the Opera is stellar.

Being poor students, there are sometimes benefits,

like travel funding for international conferences.

Where you might just bring along that wife of yours and pretend like its a honeymoon,
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only this time you have 3 kids to miss at home.

Here's to one more year of grad school.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Dear Michigan, thank you for the really fun trip. The great weather was perfect for the backyard barbeque and smores party.

The University of Michigan was really cool.  My pretzel sandwich made with Dearborne ham was fantastic.

We loved walking around and looking at the cool architecture on campus.

And Ann Arbor was a treat.

But the best part was visiting old friends

and making new ones.

Thank you, Bethany and Justin, for letting us come and visit you.

And thanks, Mom and Dad, for watching the kids so that we could go.
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Thursday, March 24, 2011


Frustration. (Sister in background.)
I'll count myself lucky that it has never been a mystery- how my kids are feeling.
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Sunday, February 20, 2011

catching up

I'm not going to bother mentioning that it's been a long time.  I'll just jump right in and catch you up, quick as a wink.  I wouldn't want to hear my excuses.
This little tiger turned 6!
This happy couple got hitched!
We Christmased up in the Mountains at my folk's new house.
My sister made a delicious cheesecake that took us right back to N.Y. on our honeymoon.  Was that 7 years ago!?!
I chopped it and I love it.
This little ninja turned 5!
He loves ninja turtles, "Because Dad won't let me watch it."
The birthday present, meet, "Blue Laser."  Our family's first pet.  Dad caved in and got Big brother one too- which turned out to be our family's first loss.
Welcome to the terrible twos... just a few months too early.
We are not dead yet.